By Administrator on Tuesday, 04 May 2021
Category: Digital Resources

Do Nonprofit Organizations Belong On Social Media?

Social media is often spoken of with a negative connotation, and it’s not completely unjustified. There are many detrimental aspects of the way that social media is being used by different individuals and groups. But social media also provides a way for people to instantly get connected to each other and share thoughts and ideas.

People are looking for a way to interact and stay in touch, which is why social media has caught on and spread like wildfire. Did you know that Facebook has 1.73 billion daily active users? With statistics like that, it’s easy to see why being on social media is becoming more and more important to stay relevant. You have to meet people where they are, and right now, they are on social media.


How Social is Your Organizations Media?

Every tool should be used wisely, this includes social media. Have a plan before you begin, someone who can carry it out, and keep your organization’s mission at the forefront of all you do.

  1. Integrate your social media plan with your overall communications program.
    Look at the ways that you communicate now and weave social media into that fabric. A totally separate package will make the organization feel divided, sort of an in-crowd and out-crowd feel. Post your social media user names in your marketing material, on your website and maybe even on your marquis. If you have a current telephone call-out or instant messaging program, send out a Tweet of that message as well. Consider posting your service on Facebook Live if you already video it.
  2. Use a lens not a mirror as you communicate.
    Rather than focusing on your desire for the organization to be seen by those on social media, concentrate instead on seeing and fulfilling needs. Read and respond to the comments on a Facebook post. Listen carefully to the questions people ask or the sentiments they express. You may find yourself developing a FAQ page on your website that answers some of these questions and concerns. Then post the link to that page on social media, and a circle is complete.
  3. Never, ever, ever give up.
    Few efforts succeed in a landslide within a short period. Follow your plan and reflect back on it regularly. Continue what is working and adjust what may not be catching on yet. Most of all, keep your organization’s mission front and center so that social media remains a tool and not a goal in itself.


Where Do I Begin?

Three particular social media applications are serving organizations well across the country: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Any organization starting a social media outreach will likely start with these, maybe even in this order.

Social Media is a Way to Communicate Your Nonprofit to the Community

Using social media effectively will help your organization to make a strong impression on those who are looking for an organization just like yours. Be casual, be formal, but most of all, be yourself. People are looking for connections. Make it easy for them to connect to you.


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